Tuesday 19th to Saturday 23rd January 2013
The Epstein Theatre, Liverpool
Sir Marmaduke Pointdextre, an Elderly Baronet
Alexis, of the Grenadier Guards, his Son
Dr. Daly, Vicar of Ploverleigh
John Wellington Wells, of J. W. Wells & Co., Family Sorcerers
Lady Sangazure, a Lady of Ancient Lineage
Aline, her Daughter, betrothed to Alexis
Mrs. Partlet, a Pew Opener
Constance, her Daughter
Ed Davies
Chris Liston
Brian Tubb
John Booth
Barry Prescott
Joan Ashcroft
Alexandra Edgar
Pat Maitland
Ellie Waterhouse
Gentlemen of the Chorus
George Ashcroft
Mike Ashcroft
Steven Jones
Peter Ledwidge
Mike Lomax
Gerry Massey
Patric Mercer
Bob Moretta
Michael Seager
Gerry Smith
Ste Sutcliffe
James Whittle
Ladies of the Chorus
Helen Bennett
Margaret Carden
Susanne Denner
Julie Gill
Josie Hardman
Dorothy Hunter
Jill Ledwidge
Jackie Mallon
Rosalie Moore
Sarah Nock
Chris Shahin
Pam Tattersall
Robbie White
Margi Whittaker
Emma Williams