Dramatis Personae

The Mikado Of Japan 

Nanki-Poo, His son, disguised as a wandering minstrel

Ko-Ko, The Lord High Executioner of Titipu

Pooh-Bah, Lord High Everything Else

Pish Tush, A Noble Lord

Yum-Yum, Ward of Ko-Ko

Pitti-Sing, Ward of Ko-Ko

Peep-Bo,  Ward of Ko-Ko

Katisha, An elderly Lady in love with Nanki-Poo

Ian Dunning

Peter Crichton

Jonathan Taylor

Simon Killeen

Nick Cooper

Sally Shaw

Heather Jane Taylor

Laura Henderson

Imogen Garner

Gentlemen of the Chorus

Patrick Crampton

Arek Drabik

James Fleming

John Groom-Hollis

Ian Lindsay

Michael Lomax

Wayne Merridew

Michael Seager

Gerry Smith

Rick Walker

Howard Yates

Ladies of the Chorus

Irene Baker

Helen Bennett

Toni Buxton

Emer Coffey

Isobel Cope

Susanne Denner

Josie Hardman

Christine Harland

Sarah Killeen

Izabela Madejek-Jaszczuk

Robina White

Elaine Williams

Emma Williams

Production Team


Musical Director

Assistant Musical Director

Marilyn Taylor

Robin Stopford

Ian Dunning

NODA Review

The Mikado a Gilbert and Sullivan Savoy Opera staged by Crosby Gilbert and Sullivan Society at Southport Little Theatre, Hoghton Street, Southport on Thursday, 20th April, 20.

“The Mikado” or “The Town of Titipu” is a comic opera in two acts, with music by Arthur Sullivan and the libretto by W.S. Gilbert and was their nineth of fourteen operatic collaborations and their most internationally successful. Popular with amateur and school productions, the work has been translated into numerous languages and is one of the most frequently played musical theatre pieces in history. The Mikado follows the trials and tribulations of the character Ko Ko, his ward Yum Yum and her love interest Nanki Poo.  Ko Ko is desperately trying to avoid having to execute himself and in turn loses the girl he wants to marry whilst gaining the blood thirsty Katisha as a bride. You can tell from the name of the town (Titipu) and the characters involved, that this is a very 'tongue in cheek' production with many comic moments. Set in Japan, as far away from Britain as possible, which allowed Gilbert to satirise British politics and institutions more freely by disguising them as Japanese. 

The Production Team… had pulled together an enthusiastic and talented cast who were well rehearsed and who provided us with a very entertaining show.  Marilyn Taylor (Stage Director) was the person tasked with bringing this show to stage and giving it life… the results, would suggest that Marilyn knew exactly what she wanted and what was required to achieve just that!  Congratulations Marilyn wonderful production!  Robin Stopford (Musical Director) and Ian Dunning (Assistant Musical Director) did a wonderful job with the musical accompaniment. Thought the overture was amazing!  Emma Williams (Choreographer) provided us with some simple yet effective choreography which played to the strengths of all involved and which enhanced the production. Finally, let’s not forget the ever present and ever lovely Ann Dickinson MBE (Rehearsal Pianist).  Congrats to each and all…

great job!

The Cast… I think you all probably know the layout of my reviews by now… so, this is where I usually stick the ‘old neck out’ and start suggesting favourites, Show Stoppers etc… but there are times when individuals don’t necessarily count as much as the ‘whole’… when the ‘whole’ is far greater than the individual and this was one of those productions!  I found myself saying time and time again … He/she/they are my ‘showstoppers’ … then when the next person or couple came on “wow” … He/she/they are my ‘showstoppers’ … it became very apparent that the success of this production wasn’t down to an individual, but very much an ‘ensemble’ effort with everyone contributing, supporting the other, working together as a ‘team’ and from the moment those curtains opened were ready, willing and able to give us their… all which flooded across the footlights in waves and was very much appreciated by everyone in the theatre that evening!

Principles…   Ian Dunning played ‘The Mikado of Japan’ – the ‘Big Boss’… Peter Crichton played ‘Nanki-Poo’ (Son of The Mikado, disguised as a wandering minstrel); Jonathan Taylor played Ko-Ko (The Lord High Executioner of Titipu)… loved the entrance on the ‘Scooter’ followed by the ‘Space Hopper’;  Simon Killeen played ‘Pooh-Bah’ (Lord High EVERTHING ELSE)… impressive switching of the many guises/roles and the accents that accompanied them all); Nick Cooper played ‘Pish-Tush’  (A Noble Lord); the ‘Three Sister - Wards of Ko-Ko’ were played to perfection by Sally Shaw (Yum-Yum) Heather Boguslawska-Taylor (Pitti-Sing) and Laura Henderson (Peep-Bo) and last but certainly not least we had Imogen Garner playing, with great aplomb, the role of ‘Katisha’ (Elderly lady in love with Nanki-Poo)… great casting, strong principals, great characterisations, wonderful vocals, each had their own story to tell and told it ever so well… congratulations to you all! Ladies of the Chorus: Irene Baker, Helen Bennett, Toni Buxton, Emer Coffey, Isobel Cope, Susanne Denner, Josie Hardman, Christine Harland, Sarah Killeen, Izabela Madejek-Jaszczuk, Robina White, Elaine Williams and Emma Williams.   Gentlemen of the Chorus: Patrick Crampton, Arek Drabik, James Fleming, John Groom-Hollis, Ian Lindsay, Michael Lomax, Wayne Merridew, Michael Seager, Gerry Smith, Rick Walker and Howard Yates.  What makes a good show great… ‘THE CHORUS’ … be ever so proud one and all, great job! 

Staging/Set/Tech… the staging and set were simple but effective and afforded the cast the platform to perform and perform well on. Peter Beswick (Stage Manager) with Syd Coley (Lighting/Follow Spot) and Dave Cox (Sound) should be congratulated on a slick operation.   Well done guy’s good job!

Orchestra … masquerading as the ‘Titipu Town Band’, were led impeccably by Robin Stopford (Musical Director) … it was a pleasure to just sit back and listen to this well-balanced orchestra playing that wonderful overture… just wetting our appetite for what was to come!  Congrats to First Violins – Tracey Johnson (Leader) and Fr. Mathew McMurray; Second Violin - Wendy Pallant; Alexander Roe (Viola); Rev. Gregor Cuff (Cello); Gareth Jones (Double Bass); Suzie Sargent (Flute/Piccolo); Lynn Tarling (Oboe); Peter Davis/Maureen Beals (Clarinets); Carole Lormor (Bassoon); Ian Cull (Trumpet); Jane Brooks (French Horn); Peter Ledder (Trombone) and Stuart Reynolds (Percussion).

Costumes… were an amazing… ‘burst of colour’ … enhanced the show ever so much… congrats to Elaine Williams (Not only the costumier of The Costume Shop, but a member of the cast) … amazing costumes Elaine… be ever so proud!

Props… were again first class (loved the fans and loved the way they were used) … under the watchful eyes of Helen Bennett, Peter Crichton, Rick Walker and SDC Team.

I had the privilege and pleasure of being invited ‘back stage’ after the show to meet and speak with the cast and the Production Team.  As I said then… I have never pretended to be a connoisseur of all things Gilbert and Sullivan or opera; but I really am now learning to enjoy and appreciate both! What I know a little more about, is performance, stage presence, characterisation and giving of your best… and let me assure you, having now seen it and witnessed the reception from the society’s loyal supporters throughout and at the finale… this was a production enjoyed by everyone present!

Thank you so much for inviting my wife and I, we thoroughly enjoyed it and thanks to Pam Tattersall (Society President) for her warm welcome and for looking after us throughout the evening, really appreciated. Hope to see you all again soon.

Keep safe and stay well….  

“Stronger Together”

Jim Briscoe


District 6 Rep

Other Performances

1951  1957  1966  1974  1984  1995  2001  2008  2015