The Sorcerer
Monday 27th January to Saturday 1st February 2003
The Neptune Theatre, Hanover Street, Liverpool
Dramatis Personae
Sir Marmaduke Pointdextre, an Elderly Baronet
Alexis, of the Grenadier Guards, his Son
Dr. Daly, Vicar of Ploverleigh
John Wellington Wells, of J. W. Wells & Co., Family Sorcerers
Lady Sangazure, a Lady of Ancient Lineage
Aline, her Daughter, betrothed to Alexis
Mrs. Partlet, a Pew Opener
Constance, her Daughter
John Bowen
Michael Kennedy
Brian Tubb
Gerard Massey
Jonathan Taylor
May Wilson
Rachel Harland
Iris Kelly
Lindsay Harries
Gentlemen of the Chorus
Harold Carefull
Ian Curlett
Steve Freedman
Norman Gow
Peter Ledwidge
Brian Leeson
Michael Lomax
Bob Moretta
Joe O’Connor
James Patterson
Noel Robinson
David Rose
Keith Tattersall
James Whittle
Ladies of the Chorus
Irene Baker
Margaret Carden
Julie Gill
Josie Hardman
Christine Harland
Jill Ledwidge
Rosaline Moore
Linda Newman
Magie Potter
Nevean Riley
Christine Shahin
Marie Shelland
Pamela Tattersall
Lesley Traynor
Susan Traynor
Ruth Tubb
Elaine Williams
Emma Williams
Production Team
Musical Director
Beti Lloyd-Jones
Brian Smith